Designing a high-performance mobile app that lands a good impression on users can make a huge difference in sales – but so is delivering and exceeding their initial expectations.

This is why User Experience (UX) design and taking a human-centered approach has been in the forefront in today’s digital space, and is no exception when it comes down to developing a mobile app.

Without further ado, let’s jump right into some ideas to inspire and add value to your business app!

1. Meaningful and valuable notifications

Unnecessary and incessant push notifications can quickly become annoying – but if done right, can deliver value that users can look forward to receiving on a daily basis.

A great strategy is to gather data on when users are most active on your app, and consider sending notifications about your most exciting updates and deals during this period. Rather than simply pushing information to customers, as its name suggests – use this underestimated feature to pull consumers to your app instead.

2. Smart recommendations

Most, if not all companies aggregate a wealth of data about their users. In addition to push notifications – go a step further and begin developing user profiles; utilizing technology to recommend products and services based on a user’s behavior while using your app.

3. Optimizing your user interface

While it might seem that fancy and complicated mobile apps are better – simplifying your user interface is crucial if you want users to continue using the app in the long run.

The last thing you want is to have users delete your app and turn away from a purchase, especially when it can easily be controlled and avoided. Thankfully, you can completely avoid this problem by engaging the services of an interactive design company that is familiar with the best practices of an appealing yet functional app.

4. Focus on enhancing the user experience

In addition to the above, working with a mobile app development company also help you to hone in on improving the user experience (UX); optimizing already-existing features or adding new ones.

At IXEN Interactive, UX design is the foundation of everything that we do – creating unforgettable and significant experiences that elevates even the simplest mobile app; starting with understanding the pain points and needs of your target audience.

5. Switch to contextual onboarding

Essentially, this means showing users the right message, at the right time.

Instead of bombarding users with a bunch of information that can overwhelm instead of stimulate them – work with a copywriter to decide on the most vital details to present as they move along different touchpoints on your mobile app.

Furthermore, personalize the information that each user receives – progressively disclosing more information based on their behavior.

Sometimes, improving the engagement and conversion rate of your mobile app can be as simple as making a few tweaks. With so many different mobile devices and platforms, mobile app development can prove challenging for most business owners. If that is the case, contact our team of experts to help you start executing on these ideas today!

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8 Temasek Boulevard, Suntec Tower 3, Level 42-88, Singapore 038988