Hosting an online event is not easy. One could argue that it is more challenging to host and guarantee the success of online events than it is for traditional events. However, that doesn’t mean that it is impossible. In fact, there are many businesses thriving today due to plenty of successful online events.

Most businesses approach it in the same way as they would with traditional events, by putting in care, planning and preparation ahead to make the online event successful. If you are looking to start your online event today, here are some essential tips to help you out.

1. Always have a plan

Before everything else, you should always start with a plan or a strategy.

Ideally, you should have a goal and concept in mind from which you can build on. Think about the size of the event, who you wish to target to and whether you can incorporate elements like virtual reality (VR), which enables remote spectators to experience the event as if they are there themselves. The more you plan, the easier it will be to execute a successful online event.

2. Ensure the time is right

Just because it is easy to go online these days, doesn’t mean that you can host your online event at any time you choose. For it to be a success, you have to take into account the time of everyone else.

If it is a local event, you should check when most of your networks will be online. If it is a global event, you should consider the time zones for different regions. If you can’t pick a time where most of your customers and followers are available, you should make sure to have your live presentations accessible so that those who are not able to catch it live can watch it after it has ended.

If possible, you can plan multiple sessions and events ahead of time to cater to your customers from different time zones. For instance, Adobe used pre-recorded streams that had high-production value content for viewers all over the world.

3. Make your event valuable and market it

List down the key selling points of your online event and ensure that this value proposition is evident to your customers when you market it.

The selling points of your event can be anything, such as having a known key speaker, or an event that is relevant to current times, and so on. Your goal is to make sure that potential attendees know what is offered to them through the online event.

For example, a virtual reality festival ‘FUTVRE LANDS’ was hosted by High Fidelity where up to 500 people could experience all the joys of a live music show in VR. This brings value to spectators: everyone gets to be fully engaged in the music without distractions like smartphones and downsides like bad weather, long lines and crowds.

4. Create multiple opportunities for engagement

An engaged audience is a happy audience. Having ways to connect with your audience to ask you questions via the comment section is a great way to naturally generate engagement without going off-topic during the online event. However, it is best to have a moderator around. This way, the comment section doesn’t get off-topic, and they can help you find the best questions to answer during the event.

In addition to letting audiences ask questions, you can also poll or quiz them. You may want to encourage them to share and live tweet about the event too. Even something as simple as making a shout-out to the names of the people attending can draw attention to your event.

It is also important to ask your viewers for their thoughts and feedback, and consider their suggestions after the event has ended. Doing so can help make audiences feel like their input was valued.

Planning Is Key To A Successful Online Event

To plan for an online event, consider working with an interactive design company. At IXEN Interactive, our professional team understands just how important it is to stay afloat during this difficult time. With our varied experience, we can offer your business services, advice and suggestions on how to plan for a successful online event. Digitisation is more important than ever, and we can help your business bridge that gap with e-commerce website design, mobile app development services, and so much more.

We plan to ensure that your company can transition to online without any problems, and find new solutions to continue to engage with your targeted audience. Most importantly, we will work with you to create a stronger online brand presence and address the challenges you are facing during the pandemic.

If you are looking to implement new technologies, innovations, and more to your business marketing, then contact us today for interactive augmented reality integration! Let us help you come out stronger from the pandemic, and continue to rise above your competitors!

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