Are you getting a lot of traffic but unable to get conversions for your website? You’re not alone.
Many businesses believe that making a website look attractive and professional is the key to boosting conversion. That is not true.
Many ecommerce website design in Singapore do more than just make their website look good. You might find the secret being less obvious.
Here are 3 simple web design fixes that help you address the currently unknown issues and boost conversions at the same time.
Do Not Underestimate the Power of Colors
It might seem unbelievable, but there’s a reason as to why big brands and companies spend so much time and money on choosing the right colors – they work.
Each color in the spectrum not only conveys a specific emotion, but it affects how customers feel about a particular business and push them into purchasing after visiting your website. For example, the color blue is associated with trust, dependability and strength. Such companies that use the color blue include Dell, Ford, and Facebook. On another hand entirely, companies like Nintendo and YouTube use red as their brand’s main color as it signifies youth and excitement.
Choosing the right color for your website and brand is important, and it can affect the message you are trying to convey to your audience.
Consider Switching Fonts
Fonts are just as likely to stir people’s emotions as colors. In the modern age of the Internet, new fonts have become extremely popular, such as typewriter types and handwritten types.
Different fonts evoke different kinds of feelings and choosing the right font can make your brand’s message and content more visible and easier to read. Working with a Creative Digital Agency or an interactive design company that breaks down how different fonts fit your website is a good choice. You will have a better understanding of fonts and how to get the most out of them.
Use the F-Pattern
Research suggests that the average online user typically scans content from left to right at the top of their screen. They move their eyes further down the page, scanning from left to right once again until they reach the end of the page. This is known as the “F” pattern.
By implementing the “F” pattern, we can easily understand that the top-left area of the page gets the most visibility, while the bottom-right area gets the least visibility. The secret to proper and effective eCommerce website design has less to do with what your business needs and more about what’s best for your company’s target audience.
While these simple web design tips are easy to grasp, your website might have already implemented them. If that’s the case, no worries! There are still plenty of tips that can be implemented to aid you in boosting conversion with your site! You can speak to us at IXEN Interactive to get started. With over 20 years of experience as a Creative Digital Agency, we help our clients boost engagement through innovative and interactive solutions thanks to our talented multi-disciplinary team of specialists in Singapore. We’re here to help you sift out the digital noise and stand out from your competition!
If you have yet to implement any of the simple design tips above, perhaps it’s time to see which your business website needs and give it the conversion boost it needs!