The good thing about today’s marketing strategies is that they give everybody a fair shot at getting a fairly sizable chunk of the market. It’s no longer just big businesses who have the resources to market their products and services; but you too, now have access to a whole new world of content creation and marketing tools.

One of them is Interaction Design (IxD) – a structure that designs the way that users interacts with a business’ products and services. They are the main source of communication between users and brands, and which helps users to achieve their objectives in the best way possible.

Every click, swipe, tap or action essentially falls under IxD – the best way to judge if its doing its job is seeing how well users interact with your brand, and whether it is done in an easy, intuitive and engaging manner.

Sounds pretty straightforward, right? Well, there are actually 5 essential dimensions that make up Interaction Design, and your ability to pull it off is what ultimately determines if you have a successful brand or not.

1D: Words

Words are power – and the meaning behind them helps guide the nature of users’ interactions. These include everything from the buttons on your website, the compelling copywriting that drives your mobile app development, to the right CTAs (call-to-action) that drives users to act promptly.

 2D: Visual Representations

They are no less powerful than words, but are just as important in assisting users to process the information in front of them. Focusing more on imagery, they work in tandem with words to create a cohesive message, and can include elements such as typography, layout, diagrams, icons and graphics.

A great tip is utilizing widely used icons that is familiar and easily understood by users.

3D: Physical Objects or Space

This refers to the tangible medium that users interact with, such as a mouse, touchscreen, joystick or keypad. It also includes the space in which all the interaction takes place – providing valuable context that can greatly impact the way users experience a brand.

4D: Time

This is the time period that users spend interacting with the brand using the first 3 elements. While it isn’t tangible, it can serve as valuable feedback to users about their progress, or whether or not they can resume the interaction later on.

This often pertains to media that changes with time (animations, videos, music, etc.) – a great example is adding a pleasant sound when users have completed a specific action to evoke feelings of satisfaction.

5D: Behavior

The last dimension includes any actions performed or reactions that users might have. It is determined by all the previous dimensions, and can include anything from emotional responses to actual behaviors and patterns that occur while using your product or service.

Now that you have taken a closer look at all 5 dimensions, it is important to view Interaction Design as not the sum of its parts; but rather, key pieces of a bigger puzzle that is User Experience (UX) design.

Consider all possible touchpoints and how can you incorporate these 5 dimensions to improve them in order to deliver exceptional experiences to your prospects and customers.

To truly delight and surprise users, you will need to make every interaction equally delightful and surprising. And if you have no idea where to start – consult our Interactive Design Agency today to help you craft a one-of-a-kind campaign!

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